Tracing and Restoring Family links meeting with The ERC branches

04 Jun 2015
"We must activating the program of Tracing and Restoring Family Links implemented by the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC) and the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) through the search for unconventional solutions to the obstacles and problems that challenges facing restoring family in times of crisis and war.
Especially Egypt has become a refuge for the citizens of countries suffering from armed conflicts particularly Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and other countries. " said Prof. Moamena Kamel the Secretary General of ERC during a meeting with the staff of ERC and ICRC.
The participants reviewed the problems and the obstacles they confront, according to each governorate during their work on the Field and propose solutions to overcome these problems.
Salma Bahgat, Head of Tracing and Restoring Family Links department has also review what have been accomplished over the past year and the future plan off this field.
Osama Abdul Razaq, cooperation delegate of ICRC, confirmed the ICRC is ready to overcome all the obstacles faced the program especially in the actual difficult circumstances in the Arab region.
As well as providing the necessary trainings for service provider in ERC to development their skills. The meeting was attending by Mohamed Mohei the head of training of ERC, Sophie Dubouchet ,protection delegate of ICRC, Abdel Aziz Mohamed, tracing officer and Ban Abdul Razeq, tracing officer in ICRC Amal Abdelaaty, communication officer and acting cooperation field officer.